We knew the main organizer very well also from previous cooperation We did not feel threatened because the event was supported by the largest stateowned companies It wasnt a large and expensive job for us we were only involved in it for a few weeks The next edition of the annual event will be coming soon and the dues for the previous one are still outstanding Supposedly because of other partners failure to repay their debts another person who asked for anonymity complained
I try to look at the matter through the prism of an agency I have never worked for Im not defending or judging but from my observation and experience on the clients side I can tell you the story of several companies that were no longer able to run their business due to delays of several Cell Phone Number List months The lack of financial liquidity forced them to refrain from taking action not to undertake larger tenders and as a result to lay off percent employees While large network agencies and media houses can cope with long payment
terms to some extent passing them on to their subcontractors or intermediaries for smaller ones such a situation is a significant threat or at least a limitation in the development of their own business Indeed all they can do is politely ask for timely payment and remind each other about arrears Sending a summons or more drastic steps is out of the question due to the need to maintain a submissive clientagency relationship Its a pity because most likely many creative and innovative projects implemented by small boutique agencies had no chance of being implemented.